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About Conference

The 3rd International Conference of the Society of Iranian Archaeology (3rd ICSOIA) will be held on May 26 and 27, 2024. The title of the third conference is “Water and Water Governance in the Culture and Civilization of Iran and neighboring lands”.

Conference Objectives:

1- Recognizing historical experiences in the field of water management and governance based on the archaeological evidence.
2- Explaining the role of water in the social and economic dynamics of past societies.
3- Finding solutions to solve today’s and future challenges in the field of water management and exploitation.

Conference Priorities & Topics:

1- Water governance in the culture and civilization of Iran and neighboring lands

2- Water heritage and its role in sustainable development

3- Kariz (aqueduct) and its role in the development of societies from the past to the present

4- Water and its role in the culture and civilization of Iran and neighboring lands

5- Water, agriculture, politics, economy, and trade in Iran and neighboring lands from the past to the present

6- Indigenous knowledge and its role in harnessing, extracting, storing, and distributing water

7- Water and religion, oral culture, and intangible heritage (myths, symbols, and rituals, etc.)

8- Water challenges and “cultural heritage in danger”

Scientific secretaries of the conference:

Dr. Zatollah Nikzad, Research Institute of Cultural Heritage & Tourism, Iran.

Dr. Saeed Amirhajloo, Department of Archaeology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

Conference organizers:

  • The Society of Iranian Archaeology
  • Research Institute of Cultural Heritage & Tourism of Iran.